Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Love can Ignite the STARS.....

The journey through Theed's Palace Plaza was nothing more than a view of marvels for Anakin. It was even more mesmerizing under the evening sky than during the day. The rose-gold domes of the palace buildings seemed to glimmer in the moonlight. The tranquility of the roaring falls in the distance brought forth a sense of serene peacefulness. In essence, nothing had changed.

Padme's private suite inside the elegant, cathedral-like structure, was even more soothing, for it replicated and permeated the quintessence of Naboo and her own beauty that seemed to resonate throughout the apartment. Anakin couldn't help but feel comfort here. Granted the temperature was cooler than that of his home planet, Tatooine, yet he felt contentment, a sense of welcome and familiarity; he was at home.

They had spent most of the evening enjoying the festivities that engulfed Theed's streets, with a splendid view from the seclusion of Padme's domed veranda. There they watched graceful dancers, vibrant parades, and were mystified and awed by the wonders of many magicians that filled the crowded roads of this regal city.

At the moment, Anakin watched alone. Padme' had grown tired from their travels. The journey from her parent's home to her own private residential suite had proved to be physically strenuous for Padme', and fatigue was setting in. She dismissed herself briefly from their romantic rendezvous and retreated to her bedroom in search of more comfortable attire. Anakin kept his sights on the activities down below, but couldn't escape his thoughts of intimate desires that flooded his mind. Just being alone with her was driving him wild. The scent of her perfume was alluring, her silken tousled mane was a trap of enticement, her voice was a song of seduction, and her new slightly swollen curves were causing him to hunger and crave like a primitive savage predator.

The music was loud and pleasing, yet Anakin stirred with anticipation. He didn't need to listen for footsteps or the creek of a door opening and closing. Anakin felt her presence through the Force surrounding him before she even reached the veranda. Slowly, he turned in her direction, averting his eyes from the thrilling festival and casting his view on a vision that taunted his fantasies, leaving his bodily desires to ache and throb in an uncontrollable state of longing.

Padme' had retired her delicate, weak, and tired body to a silky,shimmering, silver-blue robe. The sleeves draped at the wrists like flowing wings. The silk material cascaded over her body like a magnificent water fall and pooled at her bare feet down to the floor. The neck line plunged to the center of her cleavage, revealing her ivory soft skin between three diamond shaped openings that elegantly framed her abdomen as well. Her waist was flattered by a silver ribbon, neatly tied in a bow. Anakin focused on that point, gnawing his bottom lip for restraint, while he contemplated how to unwrap the shiny gift displayed before him.

Bewildered by his facial expressions, Padme's right brow arched with inquisitiveness. As she resumed her place beside him overlooking the crowd below, she expressed her puzzlement.

"Why are you looking at me like that? "

"What look? This is how I've always looked at you." Flirted Anakin, as he wrapped his strong, mechanical arm around her decorated waist, pulling her against him and stroking her coiled tendrils with his flesh hand.

"Yes, I suppose so. Still, you have a way of making me feel ....uncomfortable." Whispered Padme'. She was flushed from head to foot, for Padme' could be completely covered in Senatorial Regalia, but when Anakin stared at her she felt as if she were stark naked in a room full of diplomats. No one has ever made her feel so vulnerable as he did. His gaze was intense and seemed to radiate through her, claiming her as his own. She craned her head up to his and met his warm, soft lips.

" Sorry, Milady. " Murmured Anakin, against the gentle kiss. The kiss was delicate with a hint of teasing torment that soared through Anakin's arousing desires. He pressed his heated lips to hers, parting his lips against her tender sweetness and igniting a burning passion that had been dormant for far too long. Padme' felt the heat rush over her, drowning her in goose bumps as his grip tightened around her waist and his kiss engulfed her in a velvet fire. Swiftly, she pressed her hands to the leather tabards of Anakin's tunic and extinguished the roaring flames of desire.

Anakin gasped as he panted roughly above Padme's face. Anakin couldn't hide his confusion or his irritation. Her eyes were heavy with longing and yet coated in concern.

" I'm sorry, Ani'. We can't, I mean I can't....the medics say I must wait a certain amount of time before...." Padme's words trailed off as Anakin interrupted her uncomfortable explanation.

" It's Ok, Padme'. I understand." Said Anakin. As he kissed the top of her lush dark hair. She gazed up at him and wondered silently, " Do you? Do you know how much I want you in my bed right now? To rip your robes to shreds and to show you just how much I missed you, longed for you,and hungered for your touch everyday since you'd gone? "

"I'm going to retire now, come to bed?"As Padme' spoke of an innocent gesture, her tone was slightly sultry and seductive. Anakin stared at her, baffled by her suggestion. Padme' realized what she had said and how it must have sounded and immediately began to blush with embarrassment. Acknowledging Padme's uneasiness, Anakin chuckled softly and began to answer her.

"You go on ahead. I'll be there shortly."

Padme' couldn't hide her disappointment and let out a small wince.
He pulled her to him once more and nuzzled his face in her floral perfumed mane. Charmingly, he admitted to his heated awakenings that stirred restlessly within his hardened body.

"Give me some time to ...cool down. I won't be long, promise."

Padme' smiled and stroked his cheek. Anakin placed his hand over hers and pressed her palm to his lips as he caressed it with a kiss. Watching her walk down the hall to her bedroom, he couldn't help but to fixate his sights on her curving hips as they swiveled and swayed to her own seductive rhythm. He groaned in desirable agony. He needed to cool his arousing emotions, so he began discarding his clothing. Soon, he was down to only his trousers as he stepped even further out on to the veranda. Leaning over the rail, he welcomed the cool, misty air from the constant rolling waterfalls. As the minutes passed, the celebrations below had dwindled down to a distant hum and Anakin felt pleasantly numb from the frosty night chill. With a certainty that sleep should have fallen upon Padme', he began the slow walk that would lead him to her secluded bed.

The door was left open when Anakin entered the moonlit room. He approached the oval terrace that was allowing the glow to illuminate its surroundings. The view from that perching porch was mesmerizing. Standing there, one would have a perfect vision of the Grand Palace and the glorious waterfall that graced its eastern perimeter. Anakin couldn't help but to trail the silvery glow from the moonlight. As his eyes followed its path, he was captivated by the shimmers' destination. There, alone on a circular bed, was Padme'. Encased by the nights' stars was his mythical angel. Only she appeared less seraphic than he remembered. This angel that lay before him seem to stir and invoke the most intimate of forbidden temptations he had ever come to feel. The robe she wore spanned out to either side of her, revealing her legs in their entirety. They were slightly arched and joined together at the knee. Anakin felt his heart pound against his chest as he breathed deeply, taking in her aroma as it flooded his senses.

He approached the bed and sat himself in front of her naked feet. Placing the flesh of his hand around her ankle he began to gently caress her silken skin. There would be no stopping him now that he was certain. It took every ounce of the Force to restrain himself from selfishly ravaging her beautiful body in an animalistic lustful manner. By the time he had reached her knees, Padme's eyes fluttered open. To his surprise, she didn't stop him. She allowed her head to sink deeply into the feathery pillow beneath her as she welcomed Anakin's intimate touch. His mechanical fingers grazed over her knee and worked their way toward her hip, leaving white scratch marks where they had once been. Bringing himself to his knees, he gently parted her smooth legs as his hands reached for her most treasured possession and the sole center of his yearning desires.

Padme' reached for his hands and pulled herself up to meet him. She met his intense stare once again and returned it with one of her own. As her eyes looked over his newly defined chest, her long fingers traced delicate patterns over every muscle and curve. She bit at her bottom lip as her hand caressed the thickness of his thigh and its strong firmness. The war had chiseled away his boyishness and brought forth a manly physique. One she so desperately wanted to unwrap, to handle the gift that was being bestowed before her. Impulsively, she hooked her thumbs inside the waist of his trousers and tugged feverishly. Anakin was thrown a bit off balance by her aggressiveness as he straightened his posture and welcomed her curiosity.

Once she had finished discarding the garment that entrapped her present, he began to unravel his own precious gift. Though, unlike his impatient wife, he decided to relish the moment as he bowed his head to her robe. There, at her waist, he placed his lips and teeth over the satin ribbon that fastened the silky fabric covering her body. Anakin was pleased to watch her wriggle and squirm beneath him as he untangled the fancy loops that enclosed her robe. As he removed the slippery cloth from her body, his palms grazed over her supple curves and brought forth delightful cries from Padme' as she lay below him. He couldn't restrain himself any longer and lowered his body on to hers and kissed her without touching her lips. The velvet fire of his passion ignited within her, slowly at first, with long, gliding strides. Padme's cries grew louder and excited him beyond his self-control. His rhythms quickened and his strides deepened as he let go of the Force that held on to his restraints.

Everything inside Padme's isolated chambers, the frivolous ornaments that graced the elaborate shelves to the framed portraits that decked the walls, began to quiver and shake. The ornate antiques that were loosely displayed on mantles fell and shattered into tiny pieces on the floor. So entranced in their love-making, neither one took notice of the strangely uncanny phenomenon taking place around them.

As Anakin continued to release his burning passions deeper into Padme's most wanted place, he was adamant in his quest. He wanted to give her something no one else could and something only he was capable of giving. Anakin wished for the stars; he wanted them to rain down on her and bestow their eternal glow upon her every shrill of forbidden delight. As he looked into the gentle, dark ebony pools that gazed up at him, he saw them shimmer and twinkle like the thousands of systems he himself had once wished to see. They continued to shine brighter with every shriek, until both shared a cry of climactic ecstasy. As he lie there staring into her loving eyes, Anakin could swear he saw the millions of stars from the millions of systems....dance.


Blogger Viago Angel said...

What does that symbolize? LOL..Clarification, please?

6:38 PM  
Blogger Viago Angel said...

Did it now, my Master? LOL!
You think your all hot & bothered?
YOu should have seen me trying to write the darn thing. LOL...*smooches*

10:56 AM  
Blogger MO2YP said...

Amazing...hot...wow...if there were some snow here I would jump in a drift right now! ssssssssss! Whew......

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

-that got me all hot and bothered-
lmao yeah me too
but it relly is amazing. awsome writing! love it

-xoxo cinema girl

9:57 PM  

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